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Overthinking? Again?? Are You Listening this often??

Do What You Believe is Right!! Not What They Choose to Say... Should I hide the fact that I over think? Is it disgraceful to unveil that I can sit for hours and allow my brain to think endlessly...possibly, the answer would have been a YES if it had been written somewhere before 2016. But fortunately, this is 2019, and I no more carry that guilt. When I over-think I beat my own score and I become my own competition, to be honest, the event isn't really new, it’s been a while that I sit and think of things beyond my control and figure out reasons as to why have I been experiencing them? So I did what majority of the people do... I consulted few other people considering them the most knowledgeable around me, who confidently like real doctorate degree holders into over-thinking told me that this might lead to stress and sleeplessness and anxiety and they prescribed every possible remedy to help me come out of it, surprisingly the closest friends (of that time, you'll soon know why...

Questions Worth Asking!! Aren't They??

Another chance?  Too much to ask, too little time...! Too much to say, too little words...! Too much regret! Is there a chance to overcome...? What hurts more? Losing love or friendship? What is worth fighting for? And what is worth chasing? What gives you solace? And what is worth keeping forever? where you must dilute all the boundaries? What must demand all your attention? And in which relation should you cross all the limits to protect it? When there's this last thread of hope left... should you protect it? Or break it too? When do you decide to step out of a relationship? And when do you consider your friendship is on a ventilator? How do you protect it? And for that matter should you even bother?  One sided love is seen a lot, should you keep chasing one-sided friendship too? Forgo love for friendship or forgo friendship for love? when you must let go of your ego? Is it your friendship that's above respect or should respect be the base to define boundaries? and if at all...

Let’s Bring Back The Phrase!! “Oh, You Made My Day!”

For those few, negative reinforcement also works well, though speaking to a larger audience; it is the theory of the positive reinforcement that allows us to work more progressively. Isn’t it?  Don’t you feel hurt while listening to “ What do you do the whole day? ”, “ Your schedule is a mess ?” is it? Okay, let me stop instantly because now this will lead to an altogether new Musing “ Should they be allowed to judge our schedule ?” The reinforcement cycle, however, has a pure logic. A complex human thought process elucidates it simply; don't we usually highlight only the flaws around?  Give yourself a pause and think, why would a person do something wrong intentionally, and even if he does out of a habit. Is it his mistake that he is still working with you? Or maybe he’s wrong if he is still in a relationship with you…  Identifying only the problem areas and stressing on what and how they could have been better... is a mere process to ignite our cognitive trouble.  ...

Can love happen twice?

Is it? It was 19:54 I was sitting puzzled as to why isn’t anything striking and When I unlocked my phone it displayed “ No match ”. I remembered the lines I once heard I have no idea where, so spare me for not giving the credits. “ We must be born with the tattoo that matches our soul mates so we don't fall in love with the wrong person in the first place. ” What fun would it be, if life would have been this easy? Life seems difficult for us to realize the true meaning and value of love, now that we have it, we must keep it to cherish it forever. We don't hate Roses for the thorns it has, do we? Anyway, so when it displayed “ no match ” I had no other option but to move ahead, isn’t something similar we do in real life?   I tried unlocking it again, believing it a new start and it might work this time, also, I will be more cautious. NO MATCH This time too, I couldn’t log in, but something changed on the wall, the story was different, such is life!! Every time a chapter closes...

Somebody Vs. Anybody

Miles to Go!! Before I sleep... Often, I end up having an argument with my dear ones! Do you?? My most favorite and the most recent argument is “to be somebody or anybody in life!!”  The situation goes… Last night I was flipping through the pages of one of my favorite writer  Mahātria Rā ’s, “ Most and More”.  It was then, a phrase caught my attention, “ what do you want to be, somebody or anybody ”, made me explore it further, not like I am against “being someone”, but are we sure, one can enjoy the entire journey by being just someone??  At once, Like most of us, I felt yes! I want to be somebody in my life and considering, my clarity on my thought and I knew the other second, that I am born to be somebody who must create a difference in people's life. Somebody who could be an inspiration to the world having wings to fly to explore, come what may, I will reach my destination. With this thought, I went off to sleep. The next morning I figured, whatever goes on...

Ms. Purvi Shah; A fighter and a sustainability benchmark

It is a story of a Lady who hails from a land, where, The Father of the nation and The Iron man of India preached Unity, where the history of struggle and hard work is not new, where everyone moves wearing a smile and there is happiness in every voice. You guessed it right!! This is the land of Garba. This is where mornings are incomplete without Thepla, Dhokla, khakhra, and Khandvi, The land of Gujarat! No! She isn’t a multi-billionaire. But she is a popular face. No, she isn’t a model, yet, she is a role model for many.  Her life sounds exciting, doesn't it? She was born in Ahmedabad  (Gujarat), with a missing cleft palette, yet her parents did not abandon her, rather supported her at every tiny step she took. She had a painful childhood. For them, it was not about being a girl child, but about being their own flesh and blood. She underwent a plastic surgery when she was 18months old and required 75 stitches in her mouth. Since then, she faced unending challenges of life, bu...

Are you in line with the resolution you made earlier this year?

Are we too late or too early to discuss this?? It was January this year when a lot of us made a lot of promises to ourselves, to achieve all those dreams we have been trying to achieve since all these years, some of us are done achieving already and are set to enter into new goals some of us are on the verge of it, still there are the ones who haven't yet started and few are those who are not able to even recall what were their resolutions. It seems as though every year this is becoming a custom to follow and another to un-follow our own resolutions! A survey was conducted on more than 15000 customers and the result was “the top resolutions were the old standby and 4 out of 5 people who make resolutions eventually going to break them”. Can you imagine? At least be happy you are not alone in this race!! But what is the need to join this race at all?? I was so surprised to see this has turned into a business for many, while I was researching few more articles and trends, I...

Do I really need an Internship?

It was in 2015 when I started my career and that's when I realized the importance of internships, it was my second internship which gave me my first job which later turned out to be a turning point in my life from “what to do?”, and “how to talk?”, I am here talking to you though I am still answering and exploring “what to do “, I believe some things must always be left unanswered and ever exploring. How important do you think internships are apart from your busy schedule of assignments Coursework, sports, events, family function and exams, internships may not pay you but it rewards you with experiences, knowledge, skills and industry connections. Financials!! Yes! They are indeed crucial and we wish to work only for those who pay!! Don't we? but unfortunately all we get to hear is “we don't pay interns because we reward them” and in a way that is not wrong at all it is up to you how well you utilize the time making connections,  learning skills and gaining experiences, whe...

Before you complain “Time isn’t perfect”

Start Acting!! Recently, I heard something strange “yet again”, it's already been thousands of times, however, this time it made an impact and forced me to give it a stern contemplation so here I am, “The time wasn't good”, they said, without a subsequent thought I abruptly said, “Yeah happens! Sometimes, it’s just not our day” just when I finished my sentence, I realized how easily we blame time for our bad decision making, wrong judgments, procrastination and zero hard work, don't we?  Slowly it is becoming a kind act of self-counseling, telling ourselves that we are always the best at everything, it is time that has gone wrong, it is our destiny that just doesn’t work, it hurts me, even more, when people dwell on their past without realizing they are actually obliterating their present. Leisure was written by W.H. Davies in 1911 and it was then that he showed the present reality, how busy we are and what all are we missing on... Well, coming back to the point, when we sa...

Corporate Bureaucracy

Corporate Bureaucracy   Guest post by  Mr. Sunveer Bhambra #Guestpost Probably the most talked about and most appropriate representation of a corporate function in our economy. Is it good, is it really needed, is it, at all acceptable? Our corporates are run by people who have lived in an ever bureaucratic environment starting from the kindergarten where parents, by default, do not forget to mention, do whatever, just listen to your teacher. She is the one who will make you a better student or a better person (per say), unnecessarily, forcing a child to be dependent upon what his/her teacher think of them. Leading straight through the School life, then to the college, and landing in the Corporate World. Disregarding the fact, what exactly have we learned all these years, DEPENDENCY, in an Independent world? This dependency theory has become a part of our DNA that we just cannot do without it, we just can't ignore it. Another reason, what I found out, was, Our Inability to QUES...