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Showing posts with the label Relationship

Trusting the Journey: Faith in Ourselves and the Higher Power

Isn't it beautiful how much trust we place in the people who protect us?  That same faith and trust we give to our parents, mentors, and loved ones can be extended even further—to the highest power we have. Whether you call it the universe, God, or something else, putting your trust in something bigger than yourself is a transformative experience. Recently, while driving, I found myself behind a father and his young daughter on a bike. The little girl sat fearlessly behind him, her tiny hands clutching his shirt, her school bag bouncing slightly as they moved along. The father was probably consumed by countless thoughts, navigating the road, keeping his child safe. Yet, the little girl? She wasn’t worried at all. She wasn’t concerned about how the bike worked or what might go wrong. She simply trusted him completely. And that trust? It struck me deeply. As I followed them, I couldn’t help but wonder: isn't this the way we should live? Like that little girl, trusting the higher ...

Do I need to support my partner’s decisions?

Respect and support are two major elements of any successful relationship.  When you start a new life with your partner you need to understand a few ground realities.  Your upbringing and his/her upbringing aren’t the same.  If you want him/her to change, it is okay to change for them as well.  It is okay if their likings and dislikings are not the same as yours.  It is normal for them to take time to understand a few of your habits and it is vice versa.  Just because their opinion and habits are DIFFERENT it does not mean they are WRONG. It is okay to have a difference in opinions. All they seek is your appreciation. And therefore, respecting their point of you becomes your utmost priority. Arguments are normal, and so is understanding their concerns and issues. Whatever they say, must be considered seriously and with all attention, without any presumption or quick judgment.  Just because your friend went through a similar situation and did a cert...

बातें करो

Do you even know me!?  Sometimes people just knock your door, enter your premise they spend a few months with you and woof, there you go! They know you!! No babe! Trust me! You don't!! You haven't seen me in all my phases, you don't know how do I react when it rains, I do not like it, but I do enjoy the rains when it is in the woods, far away. With the right company along, I like it the most, all drenched and dancing! And I might not even want drenching and dancing in the rain because on some rainy days, I want to just sit on the balcony and sip my coffee. You only know what I've told you so far. The kind of personality I chose to show you, you have no idea what phases I've experienced in my life, how I've grown to have experienced them. I am a mature person now, but I like being the kid I once was. You don't know how beautifully I master concealing my stress and worries under my smile. No! You will never know if it is real or fake laughter! Because so far, ...

Drape that Saree

RESET! RESTART! REWORK! WIN IT!!  Yet another fussy morning, where I am caught in the vicious circle right in the morning, woke up late!! No light!! Couldn’t shower because “andhere mein to darr lagta hai” and the series followed by other drastic events and above all the show stopper for the day was this beautiful blue and charcoal Grey Silk Cotton Solid Saree with a Zari border!! Which isn’t ready to be draped around at all!! Just because it is new it has got all the rights to annoy!! YES!! This long description was of utmost significance because I am the kind of person when I get frustrated, I write a 200-word letter and 5 pages and remember the tiniest detail of all the events right from the 90s to 2019 and probably I might include future projections as well!! Saree carries an air of attitude, but what if it gives you back one?? Draping saree this morning was exactly like having it!! For 23 minutes to be precise, after creasing it out at 20 different places from ...

Questions Worth Asking!! Aren't They??

Another chance?  Too much to ask, too little time...! Too much to say, too little words...! Too much regret! Is there a chance to overcome...? What hurts more? Losing love or friendship? What is worth fighting for? And what is worth chasing? What gives you solace? And what is worth keeping forever? where you must dilute all the boundaries? What must demand all your attention? And in which relation should you cross all the limits to protect it? When there's this last thread of hope left... should you protect it? Or break it too? When do you decide to step out of a relationship? And when do you consider your friendship is on a ventilator? How do you protect it? And for that matter should you even bother?  One sided love is seen a lot, should you keep chasing one-sided friendship too? Forgo love for friendship or forgo friendship for love? when you must let go of your ego? Is it your friendship that's above respect or should respect be the base to define boundaries? and if at all...

Can love happen twice?

Is it? It was 19:54 I was sitting puzzled as to why isn’t anything striking and When I unlocked my phone it displayed “ No match ”. I remembered the lines I once heard I have no idea where, so spare me for not giving the credits. “ We must be born with the tattoo that matches our soul mates so we don't fall in love with the wrong person in the first place. ” What fun would it be, if life would have been this easy? Life seems difficult for us to realize the true meaning and value of love, now that we have it, we must keep it to cherish it forever. We don't hate Roses for the thorns it has, do we? Anyway, so when it displayed “ no match ” I had no other option but to move ahead, isn’t something similar we do in real life?   I tried unlocking it again, believing it a new start and it might work this time, also, I will be more cautious. NO MATCH This time too, I couldn’t log in, but something changed on the wall, the story was different, such is life!! Every time a chapter closes...

Before you complain “Time isn’t perfect”

Start Acting!! Recently, I heard something strange “yet again”, it's already been thousands of times, however, this time it made an impact and forced me to give it a stern contemplation so here I am, “The time wasn't good”, they said, without a subsequent thought I abruptly said, “Yeah happens! Sometimes, it’s just not our day” just when I finished my sentence, I realized how easily we blame time for our bad decision making, wrong judgments, procrastination and zero hard work, don't we?  Slowly it is becoming a kind act of self-counseling, telling ourselves that we are always the best at everything, it is time that has gone wrong, it is our destiny that just doesn’t work, it hurts me, even more, when people dwell on their past without realizing they are actually obliterating their present. Leisure was written by W.H. Davies in 1911 and it was then that he showed the present reality, how busy we are and what all are we missing on... Well, coming back to the point, when we sa...

Mending Shattered Relations!!

Life skills by रहीम दास जी -  You must not shatter relations for Ego प्रेम का नाता नाज़ुक होता है। इसे झटका देकर तोड़ना उचित नहीं होता। यदि यह प्रेम का धागा एक बार टूट जाता है, तो फिर इसे मिलाना कठिन होता है और यदि मिल भी जाए तो टूटे हुए धागों के बीच में गाँठ पड़ जाती है । Yet another morning, he waved and said: “ hey, I will be late tonight !” The wife was once again exasperated, she responded “ tell me something new! It's been the fourth week you are saying you will be late! What makes you say that? Don't you feel the need to come home early, stay and enjoy spending time with us? Lately, this is becoming a routine affair or  just an affair ?” The door was shut and he was gone! Leaving behind the racing thoughts, and why not? This was the first time when the lines were crossed. The entire day went by, she believed, he did it intentionally only to prove his point and satisfy his ego! That day she was flustered than ever, furious than ever, she didn't cook, she didn't c...

Respond; Don't React

Can we stop the blame game? For once? Photo by  rawpixel  on  Unsplash We’ve got the power to argue without facts, doubt without asking anything and without giving them a chance to present their point. We argue for hours without knowing the truth. Why can’t we try to trust them once?  Why can’t we try responding once?  Why can’t we hold on to our horses until they explain themselves? Not everyone is the same! Be kind, ask! Question them but be polite!  It may be because of a bad day at work!  Maybe a new annoying junior, bad traffic, terrible headache, sleeplessness, ruined expectations, missed leads, wrong communication, or social media addiction! Anything!  Why should they come and say “Sorry”? Get up and say “Thank You”. Say that you understand them and see the magic! Don’t Shout; Don’t Argue. Be polite; R E S P O N D .