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Overthinking? Again?? Are You Listening this often??

Do What You Believe is Right!! Not What They Choose to Say...

Should I hide the fact that I over think? Is it disgraceful to unveil that I can sit for hours and allow my brain to think endlessly...possibly, the answer would have been a YES if it had been written somewhere before 2016. But fortunately, this is 2019, and I no more carry that guilt. When I over-think I beat my own score and I become my own competition, to be honest, the event isn't really new, it’s been a while that I sit and think of things beyond my control and figure out reasons as to why have I been experiencing them? So I did what majority of the people do... I consulted few other people considering them the most knowledgeable around me, who confidently like real doctorate degree holders into over-thinking told me that this might lead to stress and sleeplessness and anxiety and they prescribed every possible remedy to help me come out of it, surprisingly the closest friends (of that time, you'll soon know why?) Suggested I am into depression or I might land up in one...some even declared that in no time, I might see suicidal tendencies in me... they feared to lose me... (Thank God I lost them first).

And I must consult some psychologist otherwise I might suicide, fearing this, and with due respect to their concern, I tried every possible way to come out of this periodical over-thinking pattern... but to my vain! I failed..!! Saw success, only when someone suggested me to write whatever I feel, whatever crosses my mind, whatever emotion I am dealing with...! Forget about getting rid of over-thinking, just write! Read! Write!

That’s when I decided to pen down every emotion that I felt and every thought that came across my mind, molding lines in the most beautiful shape. Read articles of people going through a similar flood of emotions learning their perspective on the issue.

9 months 22 blogs is the result of my over thinking dis"ability".

I am so thankful that I over think, I refined my own capability to write... to stretch 50 words to 5,000, Express what I feel, share my emotions and use them constructively. When I am done writing I realize it is not only me who is undergoing such experiences and emotions it is not me who over thinks, I am no special, nor I am depressed! I was exploring my new strength!! If at all this is stress... I am happily stressed!! I believe this is my strength!! This helps me differentiate every blog from the other... and when they ask... how you write, I tell them, wait for me to get upset...!! you will know, my old weakness is my new strength!!

To all those who over think, over thinking is not an issue it is a blessing to have.
Don't trust them! Do what is right and what is needed not what they say, stay constructive, do what helps you progress every minute!! Each day!! Do what gives you strength even it proves you insane. Give yourself a gift of self-love and care.

Thanks for coming this far, hope you enjoyed!! Done over thinking for the day!! Looking for another pattern to occur soon...

~Khushbu Bhardwaj

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  1. Thankyou for the blog ma'am, I am in the middle of the phase you have passed through😅.... it is satisfying to know that overthinking is normal.... also I wanted to know your views on other things related to this... like what to do about facial expressions while thinking because sometimes we are alone but are surrounded with people😂😅... also I want to know about talking in self which unintentionally starts while overthinking....and which is always considered as a sign of being mad.


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