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Ms. Purvi Shah; A fighter and a sustainability benchmark

It is a story of a Lady who hails from a land, where, The Father of the nation and The Iron man of India preached Unity, where the history of struggle and hard work is not new, where everyone moves wearing a smile and there is happiness in every voice. You guessed it right!! This is the land of Garba. This is where mornings are incomplete without Thepla, Dhokla, khakhra, and Khandvi, The land of Gujarat!

No! She isn’t a multi-billionaire. But she is a popular face. No, she isn’t a model, yet, she is a role model for many.  Her life sounds exciting, doesn't it?

She was born in Ahmedabad  (Gujarat), with a missing cleft palette, yet her parents did not abandon her, rather supported her at every tiny step she took. She had a painful childhood. For them, it was not about being a girl child, but about being their own flesh and blood. She underwent a plastic surgery when she was 18months old and required 75 stitches in her mouth. Since then, she faced unending challenges of life, but, faced them like a gladiator. Her hesitation due to her stammering voice kept her subdued. All this while, her inner grit gave her confidence and strength to face the world, as she aimed to be a doctor. Everything went well until her board exams when she suffered from a serious skin allergy because of which she could neither sit nor concentrate. Moreover, this made her skin painfully itchy, which led to a loss of courage, and confidence while writing her exams. At this point, her father supported her.

It was way back in 1992 when her father told “come back without writing a single word, but at least go and give it a try”, and to her surprise, she wrote the entire exam. It was her father’s belief in her and her own hard work that she could score 80 percent. Despite this, MBBS was still a far-off cry because the cut off was much higher.

Undeterred, she decided to move ahead and opted for microbiology and also a diploma in pathology. Later opted for a job as a lab technician with 1500 salary. But, as she settled down, the destiny had other plans. Her father's struggling business got her married in a blink.

At 23, she and her fiancé completed the Landmark Education which clarified their thoughts and their ambitions. They envisioned to make an impact on the lives of masses, but it was an uphill task.
Similar to our Social customs of being a Bahu, her career took backstage with no ambition.
She was newly married, all she could do as a 'bahu' is to be with the family

  1. Her father in law needed a kidney transplant, and mother in law being the donor became an added responsibility for her.
  2. She got pregnant a year after marriage, and Manasvi came as a blessing which brought Oriflame as a light of hope which might bring her lost confidence back.
  3. She started working with Oriflame in 1996 eventually became a manager by 1997, adding more and more members including her Husband.
Ever since Mr. Pritesh started helping her full time, this idea of being in this business was not appreciated by his father, which embittered the relations in the family. All the troubles shook her ability to manage her work-life balance, her father in law was adamant with them to leave Oriflame instantly. Soon, she realized what was expected of her. She never retaliated to anything, rather she sat and thought about the root cause of the problem. She was always clear about her Goals in life, and she still is, and to achieve them not by insisting but by making life easier for everyone and gaining their support. 

Adding to the middling life came a national disaster (Gujarat earthquake) on 26th January 2001 killing almost 20 K people with a quarter of a million injured. They aspired to become Directors at Oriflame which could have been realized in 4 days, started getting blurry.

Mrs. Shah mentions, “destiny chahe ya na chahe we had to make it happen by hook or by crook, with that big a network there was no role for destiny to play.”

“No matter what the situation is, sustain where you are” was the attitude that helped them overcome this situation, they looked for ways to sustain their business. In 2001 her husband wrapped his construction business and sold off all the properties they had.

Troubles kept challenging their perseverance, came the unfortunate Godhra Incident in 2002, their network was devastated by the curfew, many people left Oriflame.

Oriflame and us, we grew together; people support you when they see your enthusiasm and your hard work”, says Ms. Purvi Shah.

On August 31st they were crowned Gold Directors, which became the proudest moment for the family proving that hard work and pain was all worth it.

"The same day when we announced we won a trip to Australia and we are Gold Directors, Pritesh’s father was satisfied and very happy, finally we proved them ourselves”, but seems as if he was waiting just to be satisfied and to make sure that their kids gain all the success, he left us on 5th September.

When people start recognizing you by the work you do, that is when your business repays you” Ms. Purvi Shah.

It was 11th September that they were scheduled to be crowned Gold Directors in an event presided by over 700 fellow Oriflame members, for a daughter in Law it was difficult to leave a mourning family and to top it all her daughter Manasvi who was scheduled to be operated on the same day as the event, following her accident the previous evening. It was only because of the family's support that they could fulfill their dream of being the crowned Golden directors at Oriflame

Pritesh has always held my side, Oriflame is a big family and cannot be overlooked. By now I was firm about my purpose in life. Now that Pritesh had left his business for us, if he can relinquish his luxury, his business, this is my time to support his efforts, his ideas, and his dreams”.
Troubles were the most Adamant and determined in her life, 2005-2006 was the time when she suffered depression after an unfortunate incident on December 29 her mother in law passed away, which created an unfulfilled space in her life.

While narrating her story about the bond with her family, she emphasizes on an incident, “Pritesh, I think this is now the time that I must leave Oriflame, I don't think I can continue doing it,”  To which any man could have responded easily with,“I will handle, don’t worry” and we could have considered this as his support, but what he said was commendable, “Do as much as you can, don’t stretch, we are working, we will crawl, but we will never stop”, no medicine could cure depression, these words certainly did!

The Troubles had to lose, to her never-ending Perseverance.
In 2008 they became Sapphire Directors, (These directorships are different levels and milestones in Oriflame) which brought ease and comfort to their careers, “to give up is the easiest choice, and you can choose to do so anytime, hard work is difficult, and you must do it now”.
Despite the little time they had for her daughter Manasvi, she scored 97% in 12th, making her parents proud, as, for her daughter, she is her role model!!

She has seen every situation from very close, she knows how her parents have handled the circumstances and work has always been a priority” Mrs. Shah, quotes.
There will always be, an opportunity cost, to achieve something in life, you will always have to lose some other things. I had to compromise Manasvi’s childhood, but with no regret, no guilt as she has grown into a successful independent girl."

And, Just when you think life is good. “3 years back because of direct selling guidelines, business got affected In 2016, we realized, we need something more to support ourselves, therefore, we looked for something in addition to Oriflame which could help us add value to our existing business”, that is when she did Image Management from ICBI, and her husband became a coach with an American company.

Life is a continuous fight, you need to keep updating yourself and keep exploring ways and means to support and enhance your vision, the moment you reach one, the next must be ready immediately.

Hurdles aren’t there to hold you back, but they are there to make you even stronger.
Ms. Purvi Shah, Quotes.
She is Ms. Purvi Shah an Image Consultant, a Master Business Woman backed by her ever-supportive husband Mr. Pritesh Shah. A passionate, content and independent daughter Manasvi, supportive In-laws and understanding family with a professional network of over 12000 consultants under her.

"When a woman decides what she REALLY wants, she will earn her support from everyone, nothing can stop you from fulfilling your dreams. The entire universe will conspire to make it happen for you."

We salute her ever glowing approach to life!! She is a role model for all of us, and the journey continues.

Khushbu Bhardwaj


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