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Showing posts with the label Career

7 ways to avoid distractions and stay focused

Train your brain  To unlearn old and learn new habits Distractions are inevitable, how you spend your time is under your control, you have to see what is important and needed in life and what is a relative waste of time. Stop being a technology slave and start controlling your time, maintain self-discipline, and practice a doer attitude !!  No one will either wait for you or motivate you as much as you can do to yourself. Don't sit and look at your goal for too long, just get up and do it!! whatever that you are procrastinating for too long, whatever that is there in your mind for many many days and weeks and months now, stop thinking too much about it, stop giving excuses, what will people say, what if I will fail, what if people will not like me, I don't have the courage , whatever your limiting belief is, stop it then and there, get up and do it!! finish it!! finish a part of it, take baby steps, but don't stop. Write your goals and display them. Set up your day a night ...

I Made A Mistake!!

This quarantine taught me something I left behind and kept on moving for 13 months, forgetting the fact, that moving at the same pace becomes tiresome, and to bring creativity, the pace needs some change now and then. I was sitting and planning for what to do next, and I've no idea which day was it! because I've lost track of time, don’t blame me! the days are too monotonous, even while I'm constantly doing something or the other, where people are busy making, sharing, laughing and resharing the memes that they are completely idle, believe me, I wasn't!! Contrary to this, I was constantly working on something or the other, from morning 5:30 (yes, indeed) till 3 am (yes, sure), which included, household chores, work from home hours, Ph.D., a nice, relaxing afternoon nap, binge-watching shows on every possible platform, walk, cooking, workout, and rest of the time was my fiancé’s and why shouldn't it be? especially when it was soothing and content, of co...

How to answer the most important Job Interview Questions?

“How to answer the most important interview questions?” Never even try to learn what to answer but always make an effort to understand how to answer!  Photo by  CoWomen  on  Unsplash Are you ready to touch another milestone of your life? It is always good to be prepared well in advance than to sit back during the interview and plan your answers. No, absolutely not, you must never learn how to answer which question, but certainly learn the art of what needs to be answered, and how the answers the framed. Since the questions during first (generally the HR round) are pretty common and the least managers expect from you to at least know how to frame them, usually, they check your presence of mind, confidence, how well are you able to answer and justify what you intend to say, how convincing you are and most importantly do you possess the right set of skills required for the job? Which otherwise isn’t mentioned in your RESUME!? Before we jump to what is the right way the...

Leader or A Team Member??

#Guestpost by Mr. Sunveer Singh Bhambra ...and there's a mail again, and a call, and a mailer again!! oh there are orders to attend another workshop on leadership... with a usual message to bore us all... isn't it? "There's a Leadership Workshop planned for all of You, plz attend", " Become a better Leader", "Yes, you can, too, become a leader", so on and so forth, Every now and then, we keep hearing about Training Workshops on Leadership and how to be a successful leader, but seldom, is anyone concerned about being a "Team" member first. What do Leaders do? They lead and command with example and a display of what they want. To lead, one must first learn who will they lead and what will be the purpose? and to know the answers to these questions, one must be 'one' first. I wonder what a team member must be, giving it further thoughts, I could zero down my factors as: A team member must: 1) Know how to trust people around 2) Ha...

Do I really need an Internship?

It was in 2015 when I started my career and that's when I realized the importance of internships, it was my second internship which gave me my first job which later turned out to be a turning point in my life from “what to do?”, and “how to talk?”, I am here talking to you though I am still answering and exploring “what to do “, I believe some things must always be left unanswered and ever exploring. How important do you think internships are apart from your busy schedule of assignments Coursework, sports, events, family function and exams, internships may not pay you but it rewards you with experiences, knowledge, skills and industry connections. Financials!! Yes! They are indeed crucial and we wish to work only for those who pay!! Don't we? but unfortunately all we get to hear is “we don't pay interns because we reward them” and in a way that is not wrong at all it is up to you how well you utilize the time making connections,  learning skills and gaining experiences, whe...

Corporate Bureaucracy

Corporate Bureaucracy   Guest post by  Mr. Sunveer Bhambra #Guestpost Probably the most talked about and most appropriate representation of a corporate function in our economy. Is it good, is it really needed, is it, at all acceptable? Our corporates are run by people who have lived in an ever bureaucratic environment starting from the kindergarten where parents, by default, do not forget to mention, do whatever, just listen to your teacher. She is the one who will make you a better student or a better person (per say), unnecessarily, forcing a child to be dependent upon what his/her teacher think of them. Leading straight through the School life, then to the college, and landing in the Corporate World. Disregarding the fact, what exactly have we learned all these years, DEPENDENCY, in an Independent world? This dependency theory has become a part of our DNA that we just cannot do without it, we just can't ignore it. Another reason, what I found out, was, Our Inability to QUES...