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Trusting the Journey: Faith in Ourselves and the Higher Power

Isn't it beautiful how much trust we place in the people who protect us? 

That same faith and trust we give to our parents, mentors, and loved ones can be extended even further—to the highest power we have. Whether you call it the universe, God, or something else, putting your trust in something bigger than yourself is a transformative experience.

Recently, while driving, I found myself behind a father and his young daughter on a bike. The little girl sat fearlessly behind him, her tiny hands clutching his shirt, her school bag bouncing slightly as they moved along. The father was probably consumed by countless thoughts, navigating the road, keeping his child safe. Yet, the little girl? She wasn’t worried at all. She wasn’t concerned about how the bike worked or what might go wrong. She simply trusted him completely.

And that trust? It struck me deeply.

As I followed them, I couldn’t help but wonder: isn't this the way we should live? Like that little girl, trusting the higher power or the universe, even though we don’t fully understand how the journey of life works or where it’s taking us?

She didn’t need to know how to balance the bike—she trusted her father. She was simply present, enjoying the ride and observing the world around her. How often do we allow fear to cloud our trust in life or in something greater than ourselves?

This scene took me back to childhood, remembering how many of us rode behind our parents, carefree and trusting. That kind of childlike faith—where you surrender to life’s flow—can still guide us today if we let it. We don’t have to know the mechanics of everything. We just need to believe that something higher is guiding us safely.

Why Must We Believe in the Highest Power?

  1. Life's Complexity: There are countless situations we can't control. Believing in a higher power helps us navigate the unknown with grace, knowing that something greater than us is looking out for us.

  2. Peace Amid Chaos: When we trust in a higher power, instead of worrying about outcomes, we can surrender and focus on the present moment.

  3. Resilience in Tough Times: Faith helps us remain strong during difficult periods. Just like the little girl trusted her father despite the unpredictability of the road, having faith empowers us to handle life's challenges with courage and hope.

  4. Purpose and Meaning: When we trust that there's a bigger plan at play, it gives meaning to even the most challenging experiences. It reminds us that everything happens for a reason and that there are valuable lessons to be learned along the way.


Steps to Strengthen Your Faith in the Higher Power

  1. Be Present and Observant: Just like the little girl on the bike, practice being present in the moment. Observe the little details around you—the lessons, the opportunities, and the people who cross your path. Trust that they are part of your journey for a reason.

  2. Let Go of Control: It’s natural to want to control outcomes, but life rarely follows the path we plan. Trust that the universe or higher power knows what's best for you, even if things don’t go according to your timeline.

  3. Practice Gratitude: Reflect on your life and recognize the moments when things worked out, even when you were unsure. Gratitude helps reinforce the belief that you are being guided and protected.

  4. Visualize Positive Outcomes: As I often tell my students, one of the most powerful ways to build confidence is to visualize success. Imagine yourself achieving your goals, feeling strong and fulfilled. Focus on what’s possible rather than letting fear and doubt dominate your thoughts.

  5. Surround Yourself with Support: Faith is reinforced by community. Share your journey with like-minded people, whether through spiritual communities or friends and family who uplift you.

What’s One Thing You Thought You Couldn’t Achieve, But Did?

Now, I want to turn this conversation over to you. Think about a time when you achieved something you once thought was impossible. What did you overcome? How did faith, trust, or perseverance play a role? Drop your story in the comments—let's inspire each other to trust more, fear less, and become beacons of strength for those who may need a reminder that they're not alone on this journey.

Together, we can build a community of trust, faith, and courage. Thank you for being part of this conversation, and for sharing your victories. Let's continue to trust in the journey and the higher power that guides us all. 


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