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Do you even know me!? 


Sometimes people just knock your door, enter your premise they spend a few months with you and woof, there you go! They know you!! No babe! Trust me! You don't!!

You haven't seen me in all my phases, you don't know how do I react when it rains, I do not like it, but I do enjoy the rains when it is in the woods, far away. With the right company along, I like it the most, all drenched and dancing! And I might not even want drenching and dancing in the rain because on some rainy days, I want to just sit on the balcony and sip my coffee.

You only know what I've told you so far. The kind of personality I chose to show you, you have no idea what phases I've experienced in my life, how I've grown to have experienced them. I am a mature person now, but I like being the kid I once was.

You don't know how beautifully I master concealing my stress and worries under my smile. No! You will never know if it is real or fake laughter! Because so far, you do not know me!! Just because we are meeting a lot lately, who gave you permission to intrude in my life, my space, my past, and decide for me what my future should be like? Why can't you keep patience and just observe why do I say what I say, why do I do, what I do, why can't you come and ask?? And listen endlessly to what I speak? When I speak. Why do you always have to intrude and start with your stories, your experience, your judgments, and your advice? Listen to me, to understand me, to know my thoughts! I want you to be there, not always, but at least then when I need you! That's a moment of truth!! But you surprisingly choose to leave just at that moment for something important to you. 

You saw me, you met me, we had a conversation, and there you go "oh! Let's be friends with you to improve you, change you, alter your habits, and help you discover YOU?" No! I was discovered years ago!! Okay! Let's both change me!! But while I'm adapting slowly and becoming a new and better version of myself, don't hate me during that process, accept me as I am, in every stage of the development. 

You'll never know when I'll start hating you for trying to change me, trying to alter my perception, telling me what I've been doing so far was wrong!! 
Give me time and space, listen to me! Share your experience and perception, do not impose, let us together build the castle of our own. Remember! If I like black and you like white does not make black any less worthy! 

Love affair wid life

Do not meet me to create Instagram stories, meet me to create real memories! Snapchat is new, it is trending, but I like cliche meetings on the roof, laughing and discussing worldly things. 

With time, conversations, and smiles, it will be easier to know me better as compared to those 10 minutes of mini chats every day. 
Where I am the best version of myself, a model of perfection and sincerity, a splendid fellow everyone seeks. If you fall for my smile, rise for my tears too, and hold my hand, because if you cannot be a part of my lowest phase, I won't permit you to be a part of my happiness. Don't vanish as if you never were a reality.

Hi, if you have reached this far, and feel like sharing it with someone! Do it!! They need to know!! and comment and like!!

~Khushbu Bhardwaj

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