Life is always going to be more difficult, uneasy and complicated. Surprisingly, that's how life is not only for you, you aren't special, but for everyone on earth. You'll always be judged, no matter what and where you start and where you end up because there's a simple rule that the universe follows; Entropy. Entropy explains why life always seems to get complicated each day, Murphy's law states: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong and entropy explains it as.. Life has a tendency to destroy things and relations and make life as difficult as it can. 1) Don't drive your car for a couple of months, you won't be able to drive it any longer without charging its battery. 2) Resist saying I love you, or bring flowers or doing anything special for your wife or girlfriend, you know what's gonna happen next, and so the things would be the other way round. 3) the pieces of a puzzle will never fall to create a perfect puzzle. 4) your sandcas...
Life, circumstances, situations, and people are always in flux—everything shifts moment by moment. Since nothing is permanent, embracing change as the new constant is key to thriving. Hi, I'm Khushbu, and my mission is to help individuals uncover their true potential, empowering them to become independent, mentally resilient, and successful. For me, a blog is a space where my rational side lets loose. I write from my own perspective, but you’ll connect with it best when you read through the le