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and this is why things fall apart...

Life is always going to be more difficult, uneasy and complicated.
Surprisingly, that's how life is not only for you, you aren't special, but for everyone on earth.

You'll always be judged, no matter what and where you start and where you end up because there's a simple rule that the universe follows; Entropy.

Entropy explains why life always seems to get complicated each day, Murphy's law states: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong and entropy explains it as..

Life has a tendency to destroy things and relations and make life as difficult as it can.

1) Don't drive your car for a couple of months, you won't be able to drive it any longer without charging its battery.
2) Resist saying I love you, or bring flowers or doing anything special for your wife or girlfriend, you know what's gonna happen next, and so the things would be the other way round.
3) the pieces of a puzzle will never fall to create a perfect puzzle.
4) your sandcastle along the beach isn't going to stay as it is forever.

This force is so strong it governs everyone's Life, every day, every minute of the hour.

You need to put continuous efforts for the things you want in your life to stay.

You cannot imagine staying fit by sitting on your couch having pizza and coke.
Weeds will grow and dust is going to be there forever because the universe tends to slide towards disorder and disorder tends to increase over time.

Similarly, Without planting trees you cannot expect a reduction in global warming.

They say, "order requires efforts".
And therefore, if you wish to put your life into the order you'll need to put in extra continuous efforts each day.

 By understanding the law if entropy it must be easy for you to understand
1) why marriages fail.
2) why is the rate of divorce high
3) Why do kids leave home
4) why you were terminated

And this why has an answer, not because it was destined but because you failed to put in extra efforts to keep things in order because entropy ruled you.

Another important point here is, do not fall into mismatch conditions and sit back and crib for being there where you shouldn't be...there's no point being into a mismatched situation trying to fix it every day.

Identify your strength with your talent, interest and skills.
To reach to a perfectly matched condition and this is the reason people study IIT and become bestsellers, people study biology and become great chefs, people study commerce and end up becoming successful Bollywood actors.

Don't you also feel it is hard to wake up early? Like you can change alarm, and alarm clocks every day, you can change your body alarm every minute!
You don't wake up late because your body clock works that ways but because every morning when the actual alarm goes on, you think "life's good this way, the day's going to be super productive, I'm close to weekend, anyway I can afford to sleep 15 extra minutes" and eventually you help your brain to sink into the most comfortable zone because that's how your brain is wired and that's how universe works.
Alternatively, try thinking "the day's very short, I'm already running short of time, I've got a lot to finish, I have got a busy schedule" and the result will surprise you.

You've got the power to alter your destiny and mold it as per your wish and command.

Because now you know life is a game of one extra effort each day, which will make a hell lot of difference in your entire life.

Change the way your brain thinks, things around you gonna change too!!

~Khushbu Bhardwaj


  1. one of the best teacher i have ever met in my life she has very good knowledge of soft skills.

    1. Thank you dear!! More power and success to you. 🙂🙂


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