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Know your Crystals -

 Know Your Crystals -  1. Amethyst – The Stone of Spirituality & Peace Amethyst is renowned for its calming and purifying properties. This beautiful violet crystal helps enhance spiritual awareness and intuition while providing a sense of peace and tranquility. Use it during meditation to deepen your practice or place it in your space to promote relaxation and clarity. Chakra Alignment: Third Eye, Crown Emotional Benefits: Reduces stress, anxiety, and negative emotions Physical Benefits: Supports restful sleep and immune system health How to Use: Carry with you, place in your home, or use in meditation 2. Rose Quartz – The Stone of Unconditional Love Known as the ultimate heart healer, Rose Quartz promotes love, self-care, and emotional harmony. It encourages forgiveness, compassion, and deep inner healing, making it the perfect stone for anyone looking to open their heart and foster loving relationships. Chakra Alignment: Heart Emotional
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बातें करो

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Patriarchy has NO Gender. Patriarchy has no Gender??

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and this is why things fall apart...

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The Girl With The Dark Circles

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