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I Made A Mistake!!

This quarantine taught me something I left behind and kept on moving for 13 months, forgetting the fact, that moving at the same pace becomes tiresome, and to bring creativity, the pace needs some change now and then.

I was sitting and planning for what to do next, and I've no idea which day was it! because I've lost track of time, don’t blame me! the days are too monotonous, even while I'm constantly doing something or the other, where people are busy making, sharing, laughing and resharing the memes that they are completely idle, believe me, I wasn't!!

Contrary to this, I was constantly working on something or the other, from morning 5:30 (yes, indeed) till 3 am (yes, sure), which included, household chores, work from home hours, Ph.D., a nice, relaxing afternoon nap, binge-watching shows on every possible platform, walk, cooking, workout, and rest of the time was my fiancé’s and why shouldn't it be? especially when it was soothing and content, of course, when people around me were panicking and were irritated, I was calm!! And you know what!!?? I think that's where I made a mistake!! I shouldn't be doing this!

I should have reflected upon my life at least once! I should have given time to myself, figured out what personality type I am and the learning I have grown with. Some introspection harms nobody.
However, it wasn't that late anyway!! Because I am still writing this, and it's just been a week since we are quarantined!! (Yes, eventually I had to use the calendar.)

Well, something happened right here, right when I was busy doing another chore, and it changed the way I was functioning for the past 13 months! I came across a video, and it was damn hilarious, I laughed! Shared! Laughed again! And shared! And forgot!! I guess this video wasn't just a video but something that the universe was trying to deliver which I failed to understand, so the universe had a way out because what happened next, shook me!!

The moment I shared it with my father and his words pushed me a year back and with a sharp hit! "If you cannot fly, run, if you cannot run, walk, if you cannot even walk, crawl!" Just don't stop, because you stop only when you die! When you try, you survive!

This came as a quick self realization and shook me, I was trapped! I was busy, not productive. I was working, but the tasks were monotonous. To be precise, I wasn't moving, I was laughing at someone, who was at least trying! I laughed at her courage and her persistence, and at her fearlessness, at her aim to fly! I stopped!! Thought!! And crawled!

See, when you know what your goals are!! When you know what you have to do to achieve them, just three simple steps are all it takes!!
I guess I'm back on the path of flying!! I started working on the project I left untouched a year back. Boosted efforts in every possible way to make my work which happens to be my passion more creative! And the list is endless, so is the crawling.

~Khushbu Bhardwaj 


  1. Productivity, I believe, is often over hyped. Time to time intrsopection of one's intellectual and emotional growth, and the satisfaction of having optimistic people in one's life, is far more important. Everybody might not be able to attain something productive even in the longest span of years but this can certainly not mean that they don't have worthy people in their life or they aren't satisfied with their achievements. I think best moments and things in life are ones which show us the simplicity that still exists amidst us despite all the complexities life brings.


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