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Know your Crystals -

 Know Your Crystals - 

1. Amethyst – The Stone of Spirituality & Peace

Amethyst is renowned for its calming and purifying properties. This beautiful violet crystal helps enhance spiritual awareness and intuition while providing a sense of peace and tranquility. Use it during meditation to deepen your practice or place it in your space to promote relaxation and clarity.
  • Chakra Alignment: Third Eye, Crown
  • Emotional Benefits: Reduces stress, anxiety, and negative emotions
  • Physical Benefits: Supports restful sleep and immune system health
  • How to Use: Carry with you, place in your home, or use in meditation

2. Rose Quartz – The Stone of Unconditional Love

Known as the ultimate heart healer, Rose Quartz promotes love, self-care, and emotional harmony. It encourages forgiveness, compassion, and deep inner healing, making it the perfect stone for anyone looking to open their heart and foster loving relationships.

  • Chakra Alignment: Heart
  • Emotional Benefits: Encourages self-love, forgiveness, and emotional balance
  • Physical Benefits: Promotes skin health and heart function
  • How to Use: Place in your bedroom, carry for daily support, or incorporate into your skincare routine.

3. Citrine – The Stone of Manifestation & Abundance

Citrine is a powerful stone for manifesting prosperity, joy, and success. Its vibrant energy promotes positivity and motivates you to take inspired action toward your goals. Citrine is also a great stone for clearing negative energy and enhancing your personal power.

Chakra Alignment: Solar Plexus, Sacral

  • Emotional Benefits: Boosts self-confidence, creativity, and positivity
  • Physical Benefits: Supports digestion and metabolism
  • How to Use: Keep on your desk for inspiration, wear as jewelry, or place in your wealth corner.

4. Clear Quartz – The Master Healer

Clear Quartz is a versatile crystal that amplifies energy, thought, and the effect of other crystals. It’s known for its ability to harmonize, align, and clear energy fields, making it ideal for all types of spiritual work. Use Clear Quartz to enhance the clarity of mind and the power of manifestation.

  • Chakra Alignment: Crown
  • Emotional Benefits: Clears mental fog and enhances focus
  • Physical Benefits: Boosts energy levels and immune function
  • How to Use: Meditate with it, place it in your space, or pair it with other crystals to amplify the energy.

5. Black Tourmaline – The Stone of Protection

Black Tourmaline is a powerful grounding and protective stone. It shields you from negative energies and helps you feel secure and anchored. Perfect for daily use, this stone can be carried with you to ward off unwanted energy or placed in your home for protection.

  • Chakra Alignment: Root
  • Emotional Benefits: Reduces fear, anxiety, and negative thoughts
  • Physical Benefits: Promotes physical energy and immunity
  • How to Use: Carry in your pocket or place at entrances to your home

6. Pyrite – The Stone of Wealth & Confidence

Pyrite, also known as "Fool's Gold," is a symbol of abundance, prosperity, and protection. It helps boost confidence and self-worth while shielding you from negative energy. This sparkling stone is perfect for attracting wealth and success while keeping you grounded.

  • Chakra Alignment: Solar Plexus
  • Emotional Benefits: Encourages self-confidence, willpower, and ambition
  • Physical Benefits: Supports lung health and boosts vitality
  • How to Use: Place in your workspace to attract abundance, carry for confidence, or keep in your home’s wealth area

7. 7 Chakra Bracelet – Harmonize Your Energy Centers

The 7 Chakra Bracelet is designed to balance and align your body's seven energy centers. It features crystals for each chakra, helping you maintain spiritual, emotional, and physical harmony throughout the day. This wearable healing tool is a stylish way to support your energetic flow.

  • Chakra Alignment: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown
  • Emotional Benefits: Promotes overall emotional balance and harmony
  • Physical Benefits: Enhances well-being and supports energetic alignment
  • How to Use: Wear daily to maintain balanced energy or during meditation to amplify chakra healing


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