Is it? It was 19:54 I was sitting puzzled as to why isn’t anything striking and When I unlocked my phone it displayed “ No match ”. I remembered the lines I once heard I have no idea where, so spare me for not giving the credits. “ We must be born with the tattoo that matches our soul mates so we don't fall in love with the wrong person in the first place. ” What fun would it be, if life would have been this easy? Life seems difficult for us to realize the true meaning and value of love, now that we have it, we must keep it to cherish it forever. We don't hate Roses for the thorns it has, do we? Anyway, so when it displayed “ no match ” I had no other option but to move ahead, isn’t something similar we do in real life? I tried unlocking it again, believing it a new start and it might work this time, also, I will be more cautious. NO MATCH This time too, I couldn’t log in, but something changed on the wall, the story was different, such is life!! Every time a chapter closes...
Life, circumstances, situations, and people are always in flux—everything shifts moment by moment. Since nothing is permanent, embracing change as the new constant is key to thriving. Hi, I'm Khushbu, and my mission is to help individuals uncover their true potential, empowering them to become independent, mentally resilient, and successful. For me, a blog is a space where my rational side lets loose. I write from my own perspective, but you’ll connect with it best when you read through the le