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Showing posts from August, 2018

Do I really need an Internship?

It was in 2015 when I started my career and that's when I realized the importance of internships, it was my second internship which gave me my first job which later turned out to be a turning point in my life from “what to do?”, and “how to talk?”, I am here talking to you though I am still answering and exploring “what to do “, I believe some things must always be left unanswered and ever exploring. How important do you think internships are apart from your busy schedule of assignments Coursework, sports, events, family function and exams, internships may not pay you but it rewards you with experiences, knowledge, skills and industry connections. Financials!! Yes! They are indeed crucial and we wish to work only for those who pay!! Don't we? but unfortunately all we get to hear is “we don't pay interns because we reward them” and in a way that is not wrong at all it is up to you how well you utilize the time making connections,  learning skills and gaining experiences, whe...

Before you complain “Time isn’t perfect”

Start Acting!! Recently, I heard something strange “yet again”, it's already been thousands of times, however, this time it made an impact and forced me to give it a stern contemplation so here I am, “The time wasn't good”, they said, without a subsequent thought I abruptly said, “Yeah happens! Sometimes, it’s just not our day” just when I finished my sentence, I realized how easily we blame time for our bad decision making, wrong judgments, procrastination and zero hard work, don't we?  Slowly it is becoming a kind act of self-counseling, telling ourselves that we are always the best at everything, it is time that has gone wrong, it is our destiny that just doesn’t work, it hurts me, even more, when people dwell on their past without realizing they are actually obliterating their present. Leisure was written by W.H. Davies in 1911 and it was then that he showed the present reality, how busy we are and what all are we missing on... Well, coming back to the point, when we sa...

Corporate Bureaucracy

Corporate Bureaucracy   Guest post by  Mr. Sunveer Bhambra #Guestpost Probably the most talked about and most appropriate representation of a corporate function in our economy. Is it good, is it really needed, is it, at all acceptable? Our corporates are run by people who have lived in an ever bureaucratic environment starting from the kindergarten where parents, by default, do not forget to mention, do whatever, just listen to your teacher. She is the one who will make you a better student or a better person (per say), unnecessarily, forcing a child to be dependent upon what his/her teacher think of them. Leading straight through the School life, then to the college, and landing in the Corporate World. Disregarding the fact, what exactly have we learned all these years, DEPENDENCY, in an Independent world? This dependency theory has become a part of our DNA that we just cannot do without it, we just can't ignore it. Another reason, what I found out, was, Our Inability to QUES...

Mending Shattered Relations!!

Life skills by रहीम दास जी -  You must not shatter relations for Ego प्रेम का नाता नाज़ुक होता है। इसे झटका देकर तोड़ना उचित नहीं होता। यदि यह प्रेम का धागा एक बार टूट जाता है, तो फिर इसे मिलाना कठिन होता है और यदि मिल भी जाए तो टूटे हुए धागों के बीच में गाँठ पड़ जाती है । Yet another morning, he waved and said: “ hey, I will be late tonight !” The wife was once again exasperated, she responded “ tell me something new! It's been the fourth week you are saying you will be late! What makes you say that? Don't you feel the need to come home early, stay and enjoy spending time with us? Lately, this is becoming a routine affair or  just an affair ?” The door was shut and he was gone! Leaving behind the racing thoughts, and why not? This was the first time when the lines were crossed. The entire day went by, she believed, he did it intentionally only to prove his point and satisfy his ego! That day she was flustered than ever, furious than ever, she didn't cook, she didn't c...