"Life will not postpone our death; so let us not postpone our life!"
It was 11th July 2018 when I was sitting and randomly flipping the pages of this book called Unposted Letter, to understand what this book is about, but I ended up indulging in what is “Love at first sight”.
I read it on somewhere, “… When we all do strange and new or unlikely things together, then slowly these rituals and these things become normal and a part of life.” For instance, the purdah system, the women going out and working for a living, the birthday of a girl child being celebrated, women wearing jeans, men doing household jobs, and a lot… So now that we know, we together have the power to bring in the change, it is imperative for each one of us to unite to bring in the said changes.
Okay, so why am I discussing so much about the changes that we necessitate and unity?? Because this is something that caught my eye.
- According to data sourced from the National Crime Records Bureau, 2000 women have been killed in the name of witchcraft in the country in the last 14 years ~News 18
- To combat superstition, run rationality classes in schools. ~Hindustan Times
- India needs a strong Occult Law
"A Khap Panchayat in Rajasthan ostracized a girl from the community for 11 days, for accidentally breaking a lapwing’s egg. During this period the minor was ordered to sleep outside her house and parent were asked not to touch the girl." ~ET Now
Though the list is endless, we can always taste a piece of a cake…
From black cat crossing the street, to not cutting nails in the dark, and not sweeping floors after 7, on the other hand, the crow excreta brings in good luck, add to it a well-known phrase which goes like, “pair nahi hilaate”.
After reading all this, it must make sense to you, you need to be extra cautious in saying, “have FAITH in your dreams and BE FAITHFUL”, see, what FAITH can do to us.
The recent Burari case hit me to the core, until today, the case is running around being a superstitious belief or maybe a psychological error, but both these could only be with one person, the rest is the game of FAITH, as it seems primarily, people are asking law against something which rules most of our lives, to me this seems difficult to implement, especially after listening to the friends and neighbours, that the family seemed happy, content and they never got any clue what happening in there.
So, Geeta has an answer to it, Geeta as in the Holy book,
“Karam karte Chalo phal ki Chinta mat karo”
Let us break this and understand a deeper meaning to it,
“Karam karte Chalo” this signifies hard work, giving your 100% to whatever you are up to, be focused and do not ever lose your attention and concentration, be attentive towards your goals! and remove the distractions, that’s what was written in the letters too!! Isn’t it??
“Phal Ki Chinta mat karo”, have self-confidence and be affirmative, be positive because “Chinta” can never be positive, so in order to avoid this, we must have only one thought in mind “I will Succeed”
Coming back to the Burari case their hard work did pay off but they failed at
- Calculating risks
- Taking decision when they were sane
- Choosing the right path
- Doing what is right and not what is said
- Analyzing the consequences
CLAUSE: But looking at the story from a different angle if it turns out a murder mystery, look how smartly the murderers have planned their escape, leaving no clue and engaging the entire country into letters and drafts and built up stories.
Well, anyway, this leaves us with a learning too...
- Whatever you, your family and friend are doing, how pathetic it may be, how shameful you may find your actions are and how much they force you to not to share, do reach out, to a government official, a police officer, a close friend, a close family member.
- If I ask you to look around and only focus on blue things, or white, or any other dominant color, most of you will possibly ignore the other colors, exactly my point, we need a broader perspective, we need to consult people to look at our surroundings and belief system from an entirely different perspective which might turn out to be harsh and erroneous, might turn out to be an eye-opener.
- Always do what is right, even if that turns out to be the most difficult, you may feel you are breaking a promise, but a single truthful act or a sentence and a single right path taken will always be above 100 lies and several wrong paths.
- Trust is a profound word. Isn't it? A child is asked to trust only her father and mother and then the siblings and then goes the other family members but one thing is proven true that every individual must first have faith in themselves and in the truth, the trust in what is right and not what they look and what is being told.
- It is wrong to assume that blind faith, and belief in Tantric Vidhi, Hawan, feeling and talking to ghostly appearances are only for undereducated and poor who easily fall for these norms but the literate, business class, highly educated, young generation can also have a shift in belief systems, this could have been understood as hallucination or schizophrenia (this is what we can infer out of the handwritten notes) and this belief could have had saved many lives.
- No external motivational tool or speech or a thought has the power to do wonders but FAITH in what you wish to attain and internal motivation is of paramount importance.
When people come up with designing their vision boards, what do they do? They are actually building faith in themselves by looking at that vision board for their entire life, and achieving success, but used for wrong purposes, FAITH alone can cost you much, to the extent it can cost you your life!! And this is a nightmare, not having faith but having a strong faith in negative energies and not understanding the consequences and having faith without calculating the risks involved.
In spite of questioning the anti-superstitious law, for the reason that you never know what is happening the next door, considering the Burari case, no one knew what was there in the minds of a perfectly healthy looking family.
Individual awareness and awareness regarding mental health and various mental disorders are important to understand the root cause of the problem.
One person’s illness can cause a deep-rooted belief system based on faith and fear in many.
And here we come with another learning,
An individual is enough to change the mindset of people around, we just need to avoid and rather help the negativity around us and also, whenever someone violates the fundamentals of human life and nature, we need to shift their focus to meditation, mindfulness, and make them understand the connection with themselves, spiritual awareness is important to get away with the dark side of the personality, each one of us has one, any one of us can be depressed, some of us chose to bring it to surface and this is where we need to understand about it, learn and stop practices such as occult, superstition, and human or animal sacrifices and spread whatever learning and knowledge we have to as many we can, to save more innocent lives.
“…When we all do strange and new or unlikely things together, then slowly these rituals and these things become normal and a part of life.”
Would like to end it with the same words, let you and me start, the world will follow.
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