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7 Turn offs That Ruin Your Presentation

Creating An Impactful Presentation 

What not to do; because if you're reading this, I am sure you must have read many what to do and how to present PPT articles.
Total turn off #1 I Think.
If you're still thinking about it, and you're still not sure, don't say it, and there's no need to include something on which you're still thinking and not certain.

If your facts are correct and verifiable if your content is up to the mark and if your delivery well practiced, you will certainly be sure of what you are conveying to your audience.
Total turn off #2 Wrong Facts.
If you believe in something doesn’t mean the 90% of the population believes it too.
Sometimes you might be the part of the rest 10% of them, that's called research, and there's no presentation without a little research. Make sure your story matches the market and the numbers you present

The facts must be verifiable and must come from reliable sources. 

Total turn off #3 ummm, No Idea, Cannot Say.
If you've prepared your presentation, and when you are on board practice two things
Your topic of the presentation.
The probable questions!! Make a list of probable FAQs and be prepared for every ball thrown at you.
Total turn off #4 Too Much Clutter and Too Many Sentences.
You need to understand the difference between a word file and a PPT slide, you can never paste an entire page on a slide.

Slides must only have pictures, illustrations, and keywords.
All your slides must be presented in a manner which is self-explanatory, an entire picture of what you are trying to convey in the minimum possible words, rest is your explanation to the same.
Total turn off #5 Showing Only Your Back
That is super boring, Look, turn and talk!! But just don’t read your text from your PPT.
Total turn off #6 Not Having a Theme

Don’t beat around the bush, it is good to have a lot of subject knowledge, but it isn’t good to confuse your audience with all the knowledge, be specific and central to the theme and stick to only one message to be delivered.
Total turn off #7 Mismatched Slide and Speech
The wrong sequencing, mismatched slides with what you are saying and stating contradicting facts are total turn offs! Practice at least twice or thrice before your final presentation to be sure of what your audience requires.
Rules For a Successful Presentation!!
Rule #1 Follow the "six by six rule": no more than six bullet points of text on a slide, and no more than six words per bullet point.

Rule #2 Do not make your presentation a stage, you do not need to cover the entire slide, keep it simple.
Rule #3 Limit the animation, and flowing and dropping of words.
Rule #4 Use more Charts and fewer words.
Rule #5 Less is more!! Keep the number of slides and time limit to the minimum.
Rule #6 Use more and more numbers and less and fewer words.


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