Do you even know me!? Sometimes people just knock your door, enter your premise they spend a few months with you and woof, there you go! They know you!! No babe! Trust me! You don't!! You haven't seen me in all my phases, you don't know how do I react when it rains, I do not like it, but I do enjoy the rains when it is in the woods, far away. With the right company along, I like it the most, all drenched and dancing! And I might not even want drenching and dancing in the rain because on some rainy days, I want to just sit on the balcony and sip my coffee. You only know what I've told you so far. The kind of personality I chose to show you, you have no idea what phases I've experienced in my life, how I've grown to have experienced them. I am a mature person now, but I like being the kid I once was. You don't know how beautifully I master concealing my stress and worries under my smile. No! You will never know if it is real or fake laughter! Because so far, ...
Life, circumstances, situations, and people are always in flux—everything shifts moment by moment. Since nothing is permanent, embracing change as the new constant is key to thriving. Hi, I'm Khushbu, and my mission is to help individuals uncover their true potential, empowering them to become independent, mentally resilient, and successful. For me, a blog is a space where my rational side lets loose. I write from my own perspective, but you’ll connect with it best when you read through the le