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Showing posts from November, 2018

Questions Worth Asking!! Aren't They??

Another chance?  Too much to ask, too little time...! Too much to say, too little words...! Too much regret! Is there a chance to overcome...? What hurts more? Losing love or friendship? What is worth fighting for? And what is worth chasing? What gives you solace? And what is worth keeping forever? where you must dilute all the boundaries? What must demand all your attention? And in which relation should you cross all the limits to protect it? When there's this last thread of hope left... should you protect it? Or break it too? When do you decide to step out of a relationship? And when do you consider your friendship is on a ventilator? How do you protect it? And for that matter should you even bother?  One sided love is seen a lot, should you keep chasing one-sided friendship too? Forgo love for friendship or forgo friendship for love? when you must let go of your ego? Is it your friendship that's above respect or should respect be the base to define boundaries? and if at all...

Let’s Bring Back The Phrase!! “Oh, You Made My Day!”

For those few, negative reinforcement also works well, though speaking to a larger audience; it is the theory of the positive reinforcement that allows us to work more progressively. Isn’t it?  Don’t you feel hurt while listening to “ What do you do the whole day? ”, “ Your schedule is a mess ?” is it? Okay, let me stop instantly because now this will lead to an altogether new Musing “ Should they be allowed to judge our schedule ?” The reinforcement cycle, however, has a pure logic. A complex human thought process elucidates it simply; don't we usually highlight only the flaws around?  Give yourself a pause and think, why would a person do something wrong intentionally, and even if he does out of a habit. Is it his mistake that he is still working with you? Or maybe he’s wrong if he is still in a relationship with you…  Identifying only the problem areas and stressing on what and how they could have been better... is a mere process to ignite our cognitive trouble.  ...